IIPS-International Institute for Population Sciences International Institute for Population Sciences ( Deemed University ) Home | Course | Project | Download | Newsletter | Research Report | Data Centre | Library | Faculty | Links Govandi Station Road, Deonar Mumbai-400 088. Ph: 91+22+2556 3254/55/56, Fax:91+22+2556 3257 Short-Term Course General Information Fee Structure Contact persons Application Form Courses DPS MPS(Correspondence) M.P.S./M.Phil. Ph.D Short Term Courses DHPE Student Services Important E-mail IDs Director Email Data Centre Email Faculty Email List Library Short Term Training Programme In addition to the regular teaching programmes, the institute also conducts short-term training programmes. The Institute offers the following Short-Term Courses : Demographic Techniques & Application of Demographic Software Packages Application of Qualitative Methods of Data Collection in Population Research Population & Development – Linkages & Challenges Large Sample Surveys in Demographic & Health Research Application form : [ .pdf -20 KB ], [ .doc -45KB ] GENERAL INFORMATION These short term programmes are offered to personnel from both governmental and non governmental agencies, corporate sectors, marketing research organizations, universities, research institutes and individuals interested in enhancing their methodological and analytical skills. A minimum of ten participants would be required to conduct a programme. Course structure: The programmes would be intensively participatory with lectures by experts in the respective fields followed by hands on experience on computers wherever required. If necessary, participants would be required to work individually or in groups on projects and present their reports. Seats: To maximize individual attention a total of only 25 seats will be available on a first come first serve basis for each programme, with the right of admission remaining with the Institute. Other courses: IIPS would be willing to provide its resources and expertise for similar short-term programmes according to the requirements of interested participants & sponsoring institutions /organizations. Top Course fees (Subject to revision) For Overseas participants (in US $) Tuition fees 1100.00 ..................... Accommodation 600.00 TOTAL COST 1700.00 For participants from India (in Rs. ) Tuition fees 12000.00 Accommodation 8000.00 TOTAL COST 20000.00 Tuition fees and accommodation charges include cost of course materials, other logistics, lodging and boarding during the programme period. The fee, which is non-refundable, does not include cost of travel to and from Mumbai, and programme related expenses like report typing, stationary and other personal expenses. The national and international travel costs including round trip tickets, transit fares, tuition fees and accommodation charges are to be covered by the participants. Payment of fees: The total fee (course and accommodation) is to be sent by crossed demand draft, drawn in favor of DIRECTOR, IIPS and payable at MUMBAI . Submission of application/nomination : The Demand Draft along with the filled in application is to be sent to the undersigned so as to reach well before the deadline for each programme. Top Contact person: Further information can be had from: Dr. (Mrs.) Usha Ram ( ushaiips@vsnl.net ) Coordinator, Short Term Training Programme, International Institute for Population Sciences, Govandi Station Road, Deonar, MUMBAI, INDIA- 400 088. Course 1: Demographic Techniques & Application of Demographic Software Packages This programme has been formulated with the following objectives: Familiarize the participants with basic concepts and measures in demography and their applications. Provide the participants hands on practice with large data sets in application of these techniques. Equip the participants with necessary skills to use various demographic software packages. Schedule: Nov. 14 – Dec. 2, 2005. Content: Sources of demographic data, age-sex structure, evaluation & adjustment of age-sex data, techniques of population estimation & projection, basic concepts and measures of Nuptiality, Fertility & Reproduction, Public health and mortality including life table construction, Urbanization & Migration. Use of Microsoft Excel for calculation of rates and ratios, use of demographic software packages such as MORTPAK, SPECTRUM, and Software for Construction of Age-Pyramid. Deadline for application: September 30, 2005. Top Course 2: Application of Qualitative Methods of Data Collection in Population Research This short course would enable the participants to Understand the basic concepts of population research, qualitative- quantitative paradigm and their applications in population research. Develop a clear understanding of qualitative research design issues and those relating to sampling, data collection, analysis and interpretation. Course schedule: January 2-20, 2006. Content: Background and history of qualitative methods in the context of population research, Theoretical paradigms, Research strategies, Methods of data collection and analysis, Use of computer software (ATLAS Ti and ANTHROPAC) for interpretation and presentation of the research findings Deadline for application: November 15, 2005. Top Course 3 :Population and Development- Linkages & Challenges This short programme envisages discussion of the relationship between population & development from program manager and policy makers viewpoints. Specifically it aims to impart knowledge on: Basic concepts & indicators of population and development. Population and development theories. Effects of income, education, urbanisation, mass media etc. on demographic parameters. Population projections and planning. Schedule: May 15 – June 3, 2006 Content: Basic concepts in population and development, introduction to human development index & millennium development goals, established views on population & development, role of planning in development, Population and Development - its effect on individual, society, environment and the major challenges ahead. Deadline for application: February 25, 2006. Top Course 4 :Large Sample Surveys in Demographic & Health Research The objective of the programme is: To enable the participants to understand the integrated processes of large-scale survey designs, conduct, monitor and analyze quantitative surveys in population and related issues. To acquaint the participants with the main sources of errors in the survey process and the methods of detecting, controlling and minimizing these errors. S chedule: June 5 – 24, 2006 Content: Sampling: Simple, Stratified, Systematic, Cluster, Multistage; Sampling Weights; Mapping & House Listing; Sample Selection in Large Scale Surveys; Non -Sampling Errors in Large Scale Surveys; The Survey Process; Variance; Data Mask & Data Entry; Experiences of Surveys (NFHS, RCH, etc); Data Analysis- Bivariate & Multivariate; SPSS; Data Presentation; Ethical Issues. Deadline for application: March 25, 2006. Top Related Sites Indian Association for the Study of Population Reproductive and Child Health National Family Health Survey POPLINE Population ENVIS Centre | sitemap | contact | Website designed, developed and maintained by IIPS, Data Centre Send comments and questions to: Webmaster