When most people think of data analysis, they think of complex mathe- matical formulae. However, the advent of computer software pro- grammes such as SPSS that can be used to analyse data, has meant that people do not have to know or learn mathematical formulae in order to be able to perform quantitative statistical analyses. Nowadays, all one needs to know, are the appropriate analyses to perform on the data and how to do it so as to obtain the information that is needed. Training Pro- gramme organized by Sambodhi Research and Communications is one such initiative to provide an advanced understanding of ways to analyse data. In the SPSS series, Sambodhi is announcing a four day training pro- gramme on Basic and Advanced Data Analysis using SPSScl3n c27- 30 November 2007cuAcNew DelhiNcCascv3nr3u scDdcdD7AacDicAasc2w22c ds3DsdSc Aasc su3eDs3c v3nr3u sdc hsDirc d0hdP3Dhsyc hgc esuyDirc ursiPDsdc uiyc v3njsPAdc AauAc DiPe0ysc U&DwSc U&ICEFSc CR2Sc Bn3eybDdDniScBuAs3uDySc BDi3nPtSc APADniuDySc woFISc w2ISc CARESc BBCc B2CSc oLFc wwCSc MwRLwc sAPNcc c CascA3uDiDircv3nr3u scmn0eycv3nbDyscDiln3 uADnicuiycdtDeedcnicAaschu- dDPdc nlc 0dDirc 2w22c ln3c Diln3 syc ysPDdDni- utDirNc 2vsPDlDPueegSc Aasc v3n- r3u scDdcuD sycuA:cc cc ambodhi d leafsw Developing better understanding of basic concepts of statistics leafsw Providing an overview of the computer assisted data analysis and statistical softwares leafsw Developing requisite skills for bringing in data into SPSS and data transformations leafsw Enhancing knowledge base and develop skills for select- ing appropriate analyses and performing the analyses leafsw Augmenting knowledge and skills for interpretation of analyses and presenatation in user friendly formats 27-30leafswNovemberleafsw2007leafsw NewleafswDelhileafsw Upon completion of the training programme, participants would be able to Input data into SPSS, select appropriate data analysis techniques,tperform requisite analyses using SPSS,tinterpret the data output for various decision- making needsteuqtnresent output to specific users in user friendly mannermt qcnafafmIgctmcnpplItfII vn-akInf IA enfkl IyntnIAfnhy-a-Iu-afmISgSSI For further information, contact: uuuro-kvhu uSnrnoAfuu&uCv--:t foa vtruu ffffH-35 A, LGF, Kalkaji, New Delhi-110019;+ 91-11-40560734, 65492502 rajata@sambodhi.co.in; nitin@sambodhi.co.in; contact@sambodhi.co.in Pa r ii v a r t a ni Operational Partner ThisatrPiningahPsabeenadesignedaPsaPapPrticipPtoryaprogrPmmeathPtawouldabuildpupona thea experientiPla lePrninga ofa pPrticipPnts.a Thea pedPgogya focusesa ona interPctivea groupa lePrningaPndaPimsabothaPtaknowledgeadevelopmentaPndaskillaupgrPdPtionathroughapeera lePrning.aTrPiningamPteriPladevelopedabyalePdingasubjectaexpertsaPugmentsaclPssrooma lePrning.a2i1nPwPlirnoa+P areal1i4Pjeja+PnpaeDitl eajiniaoenoaniairi Nmeaoiaioa nia kiwP Pninea eDle1PernPi a ei1rPr69a y a ika npea n1iPrPr6a witlirernoa +i0 ja rea pirjoairea+Pnpali1nPwPlirnoawitl enPr6anpea4i1Pi0oairi Noeoaniolo9a TheafeeaforatrPiningaprogrPmmeaisaRs.a10i000/paperapPrticipPntathPtaincludesatuitionafeeia rePdinga mPteriPlia luncha Pta thea trPininga venueaPnda othera trPiningaexpenses.a OutstPtiona cPndidPtesaPreaencourPgedatoamPkeatheiraownaPrrPngementsaforaboPrdingaPndalodging.a SPmbodhia cPna mPkea thesea PrrPngementsa ona pPymenta ofa Pna PdditionPla feea ofa Rs.ri000/p.aServiceatPxaPta12.e6%awouldabealeviedaonaoverPllacourseafeeaPndahPsatoabea includeda ina pPyments.a leea cPna bea pPida througha Cheque/a DemPnda DrPfta ina fPvoura ofa "SPmbodhiaResePrcha&aCommunicPtionsaPvt.aotd."apPyPbleaPtaDelhi.a Pedagogy Fees About Us Sbmbodhlg cbtrrsg tog rrsrbrchg bndg buulrdg srrvlcrg nrrdsg ofg thrg soclbug srctorg forg drslgng bndgdrvruopmrntgofgstbtreofebrtgtnomurdgrgmbrrgproductsgbndgprovlslongofgtnomurdgre bbsrdgsrrvlcrs.gSbmbodhlÂ’sgdomblngofgsprclbulzrdgsrrvlcrsgrncompbssrsgSrvruopmrntg Consuutbncyg&gRrsrbrchygCbpbcltygBuludlngygSbtbgonbuytlcsgbndgCommunlcbtlon.g Also from Sambodhi check Qualitative Analytics for Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation QuMonitoring and Evaluation of Development Projects QuAdvanced Market Research methods for Restructuring Microfinance products View training calendar at www.sambodhi.co.in