(31) SUMMARY Zosteriform Herpes simplex infection is a very rare clinical entity. This was reported in a HIV seropositive married woman. Here CD4 count was 313 cells/ cmm. She had multiple small localized ulcerations in both labia majora contiguously spread to the perineum and perianal region. Tzanck's smear test was positive for giant epithelial cells. She was positive for HSVI IgG and HSV2 IgM by type specific antibody test for HSV. She responded to Acyclovir therapy for Herpes infection. Oral candidiasis responded to both Ketoconazole, Fluconazole therapy. Now, she is in follow – up. KEY WORDS HSV - II - Zosteriform - Female Genital - HIV Seropositive INTRODUCTION Zosteriform Herpes Simplex virus infection is an uncommon presentation of HSV. In 1923 Teague and Good Pasture observed a band like ipsilateral lesion several days later akin to the eruption of Shingles in rabbits1. This distinct type of cutaneous herpes is called Zosteriform Herpes Simplex. HSV replicates in the epithelium, gains access to axonal terminae and is retrogradely transported to sensory ganglia. A short period of viral replication within infected sensory ganglia is concomitant with the establishment of the non–productive latent infection. HSV may reemerge from the nervous system and cause disease within the same dermatome, at a location distal from the initial site of infection. This phenomenon is termed as Zosteriform spread. Zosteriform spread usually occurs after the primary inoculation in the skin of both outbred and inbread. Zosteriform skin lesions result from anterograde spread of the virus following invasion of the nervous ZOSTERIFORM HERPES IN THE FEMALE GENITAL OF A HIV SEROPOSITIVE Williams Jayakumar*, Ravichandran V**, Thirunavukkarasu*, Suganya S**, Sri Ram S* * Professor and Head of the Department of STD ** Assistant Professor of STD *Asstistant Professor of Microbiology **Pre Final Year M.B.B.S.Student, *Final Year M.B.B.S. Student Address for Correspondence : Dr. Jeyakumar Williams, B.Sc., MD, Venereaology, MNAMS, 4/169, Immanuel Cottage, Tahsildar Nagar, Madurai-625020 system2. This spread requires an intact nerve supply and the virus must traverse the nervous system during viral reactivation to cause this type. Normal skin becomes infected via nerve endings. Viral growth at any peripheral side may have a zosteriform component superimposed on initial local replication. The assumption has been suggested that the immune mechanism were mediating their effect, rapidly destroying infected epidermal or other peripheral cells, and thereby inhibiting cell to cell spread, which is a modification of the Zosteriform component3. This effect is T cell dependent. The reason for this apparent failure of immunity is not clear. It could be that the transferred immune cells are diverted to sites other than those associated with the Zosteriform lesion, thereby diluting their effectiveness. Alternatively, immune cells may fail to recognize the virus as it first. These lesions used to subside within a week. Usually this attack was precipitated by prolonged exposure to sunlight5. This disease cannot be diagnosed without laboratory help. This lesion is usually misdiagnosed as zoster. Clinicians should be aware of HSV infection in patients with Zosteriform appearance. Multiple, herpetiform ulcerations of labia majora and contiguous spread to perineal and perianal regions. INDIAN J SEX TRANSM DIS 2005; VOL. 26 NO. 1, 38 (32) CASE REPORT Mrs. S. aged 35 years, an urban married lady who is a mill worker attended the STD Department, Government Mohan Kumarmangalam Medical College Hospital, Salem, on 17-02-2004, for the complaints of ulcer genitalia for 15 days, pain in the upper abdomen, cough with expectoration, fever on and off for 3 months duration. She was referred from the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Out-Patient Department of the same Hosptial. She had married twice and she demied any sexual contact other than these two husbands. First husband left her six years before. Now she is living with her second husband. She was a well built woman. On February 17, 2004, here weight was 50 kgs. Pulse 72/mt, regular B.P. 120/80m.m. of Hg. CVS, RS, CNS, and abdominal exammations were normal. Oral examination showed extensive pseudomembranous oral candidiasis over the dorsal. ventral and lateral aspect of tongue, hard palate, soft palate, inner aspect of cheek, fauces, and uvula. She also had oral blisters on the lips and tongue. Genital examination showed multiple, tiny superficial ulcers on both labia majora, perineum and perianal region. Cervix appeared normal. Vaginal vault was free. Inguinal glands were enlarged, discrete and tender on left side. Right side inguinal glands were just palpable. Blood total count was 8,700 cells/cmm. Differential count was P68, L30 and E2. ESR was 20 mm/hour. Blood sugar, urea and serum creatnine were with in normal limits. Blood VDRL was non reactive. Blood TPHA was negative. ELISA for HIV was reactive. Blood TPHA was negative. ELISA for HIV was reactive. Her CD4 count was 313 cells/cmm. ELISA for Hepatitis -B was nonreactive. Type specific antibody test for HSV showed HSVI lgG positive and HSV 2 lgM positive. Dark field examination was negative for T.P. Smear for haemophilus Ducreyi was negative. Smear for calymato bacterium was negative. X-ray chest PA view was normal. Sputum for AFB was negative. Purified protein derivative for mantoux method '0' mm. Cervical culture for Gonococcus was negative. Vaginal culture for trichomoniasis and candidiasis was negative. Histopathological examination of the lesion showed non specific inflammatory changes. Ophthalmic screening showed both fundi were normal. There was no evidence of retinopathy. Mrs. S was treated with t. Acyclovir 200 mg 5 times daily along with Tab Nimesulide. Ulcer healed completely within 2 weeks time. For oral candidiasis, she was treated with tablet ketoconazole 200 mg. 12th hourly for four weeks and clotrimazole oral paint 5 times daily for 6 weeks. She had reported with the recurrence of herpes in a month interval for two times and was treated by same line of management. Afer 5 months, oral candidiasis had relapsed for which she was treated with oral fluconazole 200mg daily for 2 weeks. She responded to the therapy. Parallel examination of her second husband revealed that he was a HIV positive. His blood VDRL was non reactive. All the other investigations were normal for the second husband. He had a bunch of genital warts. He was treated with 10 per cent tincture podophyllin external application. Now she and her husband are in follow– up. DISCUSSION Zosteriform herpes of the genitals is a very rare presentation of herpes simplex infection which made us to present this case. In HIV infected patients, lesions typically start as small, localized ulcerations and can spread contiguously to cover large areas of perineum and buttocks. This Zosteriform appearance of HSV can occur in persons with high CD4 cell counts6. Our patient was also a known HIV seropositive with the CD4 counts of 313 cells/cmm. She had also showed small, localized multiple ulcerations contiguously spread to the perineum and perianal simulated the literature. In this case, herpetic ulcers around the perineum and perianal region may be taken as Zosteriform herpes. INDIAN J SEX TRANSM DIS 2005; VOL. 26 NO. 1, 39 (33) Giant epithelial cells were demonstrated from the tiny, superficial ulcers of the labia majora by Giemsa smear test. They also showed negative results to Treponema pallidum. Haemophilus Ducreyi and Calymato bacterium. The presence of giant epithelial cells in TZANCK's smear test evidenced for Herpes. Type specific lgG and lgM antibody test for HSV 1 and HSV 2 showed that she was positive for HSV 1 lgG antibody and HSV 2 lgM antibody. It clearly indicated the evidence for Herpes simplex virus infection. At any time in the course of HSV/HIV/AIDS patients are at high risk of developing a debilitating herpetic infection and there is a possibility of transmitting both HSV and HIV to health care perosnals who handle these type of patients. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 1. Our thanks are due to the Dean, Government Mohan Kumaramangalam Medical College Hospital for giving permission to publish this case report. 2. Our thanks are due to Medical Officers and paramedical workers of Microbiology Department for providing us ELISA results. 3. Our thanks are due to the Pathologist, Government Mohan Kumaramangalam Medical College, Salem for the HPE results. 4. Our thanks are due to the patient who was co- operative for this study. REFERENCES 1. Teague O. Goodpasteur F.W. 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INDIAN J SEX TRANSM DIS 2005; VOL. 26 NO. 1, 40