Indian J Med Res 121, April 2005, pp 270-286 270 Upon infection by human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), host cells react with various innate, cellular and humoral immune responses to counteract the viral invasion. Limited and transient restriction of viral infection is normally achieved. However, HIV ultimately overcomes these antiviral responses resulting in successful viral infection and replication. Expression of several HIV-1 regulatory and accessory genes such as vif, vpu and tat is known to regulate some of the host cell innate immune responses to maximize viral infection or replication1-3. For example, a host innate antiviral response mediated by APOBEC3G was recently found to sabotage HIV reverse transcription through cytidine deamination within minus DNA strand4-7.Targeting viral replication by DNA Key words Apoptosis - cell cycle G2/M arrest - disease progression - HIV-1 - host-pathogen interaction - host immune responses - nuclear transport - Vpr - viral pathogenesis HIV-1 viral protein R (Vpr) & host cellular responses Richard Yuqi Zhao*+, Michael Bukrinsky** & Robert T. Elder+ *Department of Pathology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21201, **Department of Microbiology and Tropical Medicine, The George Washington University, Washington, DC 20037 & +Children’s Memorial Research Center, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL 60614, USA Accepted February 21, 2005 During infection of host cells by HIV-1, active host-pathogen interactions take place. The final balance between these interactions determines the efficiency of viral infection and subsequent disease progression. HIV-infected cells respond to viral invasion with various antiviral strategies such as innate, cellular and humoral immune antiviral defense mechanisms. On the other hand, the virus has also developed tactics to suppress these host cellular responses. Among the many viral offensive strategies, viral protein R (Vpr) plays a particularly active role. Vpr involved in nuclear transport of the viral pre-integration complex, activation of viral transcription, induction of cell cycle G2/M arrest and apoptosis of the host cells. However, specific roles of these Vpr activities in viral pathogenesis and their contribution to disease progression are not fully understood. HIV-1 defective for some or all of these Vpr activities have been associated with slow disease progression in some patients. With regard to the host responses to vpr gene expression, studies show that Vpr is specifically targeted by CD8 T-lymphocytes during acute viral infection and that the host innate immune response may also play a crucial role in suppressing the effects of Vpr on various cellular activities. The effect of host cellular responses to vpr gene expression and its roles in nuclear transport, cell cycle G2/M regulation and induction of apoptosis are discussed in this review. Strategies with potential application for future antiviral therapies directed at suppressing Vpr activities are described. 271 deamination seems to be one of the major host innate responses defending against retroviral infections. On the other hand, HIV-1 accessory protein Vif prevents APOBEC3G from entering the HIV-1 virion during viral assembly, thus ensuring viral replication in target cells8,9. HIV-1 viral protein R (Vpr) is another accessory protein. It can be found in the serum of HIV-1 infected patients and in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of AIDS patients with neurological pathologies10,11. Because Vpr is a highly conserved viral protein, it presents a good target for host antiviral responses. However, little is known at present about Vpr-host cell interactions or whether Vpr is involved in suppressing host antiviral responses as Vif does. Numerous reports certainly indicate a dynamic interaction between Vpr and host cellular responses. We will briefly summarize those findings here and will examine the potential contribution of Vpr to viral pathogenesis and disease progression. HIV-1 Vpr is a virion-associated viral gene product with an average length of 96 amino acids, and a calculated molecular weight of 12.7 kDa. However, it typically appears as either a 14 kD or 15 kDa band due to post-translational modifications. Vpr is a highly conserved viral protein among HIV, simian immunodeficiency viruses (SIV) and other lentiviruses12,13. Besides lentiviruses, its protein sequence shares no strong homology with any of the known proteins. A tertiary structure of Vpr proposed on the basis of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis consists of an ? -helix-turn-? -helix domain in the amino-terminal half from amino acids 17 to 46 and a long ? -helix from 53 to 78 in the carboxy-terminal half14,15. These three ? -helices are folded around a hydrophobic core in a structure which allows interaction of Vpr with different cellular proteins16. Vpr displays several distinct activities in host cells. These include cytoplasmic-nuclear shuttling 17, induction of cell cycle G2 arrest18 and cell killing19. These three Vpr-specific activities were shown to be functionally independent of each other20, 21 and have been demonstrated in a wide variety of eukaryotic cells ranging from human to yeast, indicating that Vpr most likely affects highly conserved cellular processes. In this review, we describe our current understanding of the host-Vpr interactions and the potential roles of Vpr activities in viral pathogenesis and disease progression. HIV-1 Vpr and host cellular responses All regulatory and accessory HIV-1 viral proteins are being targeted by HIV-1-specific CD8-positive cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTLs)22. However, Vpr is being preferentially targeted by the CD8+ T- lymphocytes as compared with other viral proteins, at least during the acute phase of the viral infection23,24, suggesting a salient role of Vpr during the early phase of infection. Consistently, some of the cellular proteins, such as heat shock proteins (HSPs), respond quickly to viral infection or vpr gene expression, which suggests another level of host innate immune response25,26 (our unpublished data). For example, HSP27 and HSP70 mRNA transcription appeared as early as 3-8 h following HIV infection. We now know that some of the small heat shock proteins, such as HSP27 or HSP70, exert effective protective effect against some or all of the Vpr activities27-29. However, responsive elevations of HSPs to HIV-1 infection are transient as the HSP27 and HSP70 mRNA transcripts were significantly downregulated by 24 h after viral infection, concomitant with the first appearance of the full length genomic HIV-1 mRNA30. This observation implies an active interplay between HIV viral proteins and HSP27 or HSP70. Indeed, an active and antagonistic interaction was seen between Vpr and a yeast homologue of HSP2731. Vpr suppresses antigen- specific CD8-mediated CTL and Th1 immune responses32. Consistent with this notion, Rhesus macaques infected with HIV-2 lacking vpr gene had increased antibody titres compared to monkeys infected with the wild-type virus33. Although molecular mechanisms underlying suppression of CTL and antibody production by Vpr are presently unknown, it was surmised that Vpr may prevent antibody production against the virus by inhibiting T-cell clonal expansion through suppressing T-cell proliferation and inducing cell cycle G2/M arrest34. Evidence also ZHAO et al: HIV-1 VPR 272 INDIAN J MED RES, APRIL 2005 suggests that Vpr may suppress host inflammatory responses, which present another level of the host immune responses to viral infections35. Vpr inhibits host inflammatory responses by down regulating pro- inflammatory cytokines (TNF? and IL-12) and chemokines (RANTES, MIP-1? and MIP-1? ) in a manner similar to glucocorticoids36,37; Vpr additionally suppresses host inflammatory response by inhibiting nuclear factor kappa B (NF? B) activity through the induction of I? B37. Therefore, there appears to be at least two levels of host responses to vpr gene expression; one is the cellular immune response mediated by CD8+ CTLs; and another innate immune responses involving some of the cellular chaperone proteins. Conversely, Vpr counteracts those host immune responses. It prevents T-cell proliferation, suppresses host inflammatory responses including production of cytokines and chemokines. Vpr may also have additional mechanisms to counterbalance some of those innate reactions, such as heat shock proteins, that have specific suppressive activities against Vpr. These specific host responses to Vpr and the counteracting effect by Vpr strongly suggest a very dynamic interaction between vpr gene expression and host reactions. Future studies should reveal to what extent these interactions contribute to the success of viral infection and will determine the best way to exploit those specific host responses to design strategies aimed at suppressing Vpr. Potential association of Vpr activities with viral pathogenesis and disease progression The importance of Vpr in viral pathogenesis has been addressed in a number of earlier studies of SIVmac219 infection in Rhesus monkeys. However, these experiments produced conflicting results and interpretations, which were further complicated by the presence of two genes in SIVmac219 homologous to the vpr gene of HIV-1. These two genes, vpr and vpx, are thought to have arisen by duplication of the ancestral vpr gene13, although phylogenetic analysis of various lentiviruses later suggested that non- homologous recombination may have played a role in the evolution of vpr and vpx genes12,38. It is also believed that the functions of the single vpr of HIV- 1 have been divided among the vpr and vpx genes of SIV39. In one study, Rhesus monkeys infected with the SIVmac219 defective in vpr had low viral burden and no disease progression while monkeys infected with the wild-type virus or those Vpr-defective viruses spontaneously reverted to the wild-type exhibited high viral burden and rapid disease progression 40. In contrast, in two other studies 41,42, no significant differences in disease progression were found between the vpr-deficient SIVmac219 and the parental wild-type virus, and all of the monkeys developed AIDS41,42. However, in the experiment most relevant to infection by HIV-1 with the single vpr gene, monkeys infected with SIVmac219 defective in both the vpr and vpx genes had severely attenuated infections with much lower viral burden and no evidence of disease progression41,43. At least a 100-fold decrease in pathogenic index was found in the infectivity of these mutant viruses in comparison with the wild-type viruses, confirming the role of Vpr in viral pathogenesis43. Vpr seems to be required for in vivo replication of the virus. An earlier study in Rhesus monkeys showed rapid reversion of a single base pair mutation in the stop codon of the vpr gene40. The requirement for Vpr in vivo by HIV-1 was further illustrated in chimpanzees and an accidentally infected laboratory worker, who was initially infected with a Vpr- defective HIV-1 viral laboratory strain IIIB44. The vpr gene in the viral strain IIIB has a frame shift mutation at codon 73, which results in a truncated Vpr protein with only the first 72 amino acids. However, the mutant vpr gene in the virus initiating the infection reverted to the wild-type Vpr both in this human subject and experimentally infected chimpanzees44. These results clearly demonstrate the necessity of Vpr in vivo. Even though Vpr sequence is one of the most conserved regions in HIV genome, with estimated similarities of 87 per cent between different viral strains45,46, Vpr sequence variations were inevitably found in viruses infecting patients showing fast or slow disease progression. Earlier efforts in studying the role of Vpr in disease progression were mostly based on nucleotide sequence analyses47-51. Even though such analysis is useful in detecting gene deletions or 273 insertions, it cannot be used to predict functional changes derived from amino acid substitutions. As a result, different conclusions were drawn with regard to potential contribution of Vpr to disease progression. A synonymous or non-synonymous amino acid substitution in Vpr could dramatically affect Vpr functions as shown in a number of mutagenesis studies52-55. A potential problem associated with these mutagenesis studies is, however, that the vpr mutants were often artificially created and therefore may not represent the profile of naturally occurring mutations. An alternative method to rapidly determine multiple Vpr activities, such as cell cycle G2 arrest, nuclear localization and induction of cell death, is the use of fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) model system, which allows simultaneous determination of these three Vpr activities using an inducible gene expression system20,56,57. These three Vpr activities observed in fission yeast are very similar to that observed in mammalian cells58-60. By using the yeast model system, these Vpr activities were shown, as expected, to be highly conserved in many of the viral laboratory strains and also in viruses isolated from patients progressing to AIDS61. In contrast, a significant proportion (23-50%) of Vpr in viruses isolated from a non-progressing mother-child pair was functionally defective in all three Vpr activities61,62. Variation analyses of the protein sequences indicated that these Vpr proteins carried unique amino acid substitutions that frequently interrupted highly conserved domains, which include a N-terminal ? -turn-? helix and an epitope sequence that is preferentially targeted by the CTL immune response61. Association of slow disease progression with Vpr defect was also found in another HIV- infected non-progressor63. The vpr gene isolated from this patient contained both premature stop codons and an unusual Q3R polymorphism, which significantly impairs the ability of Vpr to confer cytopathicity but has no effect on the efficiency of viral replication. Together, these data support the idea that functional Vpr might be one of the viral factors contributing to disease progression. However, these three reported non-progressors are thus far the only HIV-infected patients known to carry functionally defective Vpr. Whether these are unique cases or a common trend remains to be determined. Based on protein sequence analysis of Vpr deposited in the database, a high frequency of R77Q Vpr mutations were reported to associate with patients with slow disease progression64. Although the authors convincingly demonstrated that this Vpr mutation, when isolated from an HIV-1 viral strain HxBRU, impaired the ability of Vpr to induce apoptosis, it was not present in viruses isolated from some of those long-term non- progressors61,65. Therefore, association of this mutation with slow disease progression remains unproved65,66. It also remains open how strong a correlation is between Vpr functional defects and slow disease progression of HIV-infected patients. Induction of cell cycle G2/M arrest To ensure accurate transmission of the genetic information, eukaryotic cells have developed an elaborate network of checkpoints to monitor the successful completion of every cell cycle step and to respond to cellular abnormalities such as DNA damage and replication inhibition as they arise during cell proliferation. Two of the best characterized G2/M checkpoints, DNA damage and DNA replication67-70 were first characterized in detail by genetic analysis in fission yeast. The G2 to M transition is controlled in fission yeast by the phosphorylation status of Tyr15 on Cdc2, the cyclin- dependent kinase which regulates the cell cycle in all eukaryotic cells71. In fission yeast, Tyr15 is phosphorylated by the Wee1 and Mik1 kinases to hold the cell in G2, and rapid dephosphorylation by the Cdc25 phosphatase triggers the G2 to M transition71-74. The DNA damage checkpoint is activated by ionizing radiation or ultraviolet light, and activation of this checkpoint leads to inhibitory phosphorylation of Cdc2 at Tyr15 by a multi-step pathway75,76. The early genes in the pathway, which include Rad1, Rad3, Rad9, Rad17, Rad26 and Hus1, are thought to sense the DNA damage and lead to phosphorylation of the Chk1 protein77. In response to double strand DNA breaks (DSBs) induced by ionizing radiation, for examples Rad17 acts as a checkpoint-specific loading factor, which responds to the DNA damage by loading a 9-1-1 protein complex onto the sites where DNA is damaged78,79. The 9-1-1 protein complex is also known as the checkpoint clamp complex (CCC), which is composed of Rad1, Rad9 and Hus179. In addition, the Rad3-Rad26 protein complex binds to ZHAO et al: HIV-1 VPR 274 INDIAN J MED RES, APRIL 2005 sites of DNA damage independently of the 9-1-1 protein complex. The independent binding of these two protein complexes to DNA damage to initiate the DNA structure checkpoint is believed to protect the cell against inappropriate checkpoint activation68,79,80. Activation of Chk1 is mediated by Crb2, which may bridge Rad3 and Chk1 81-83. The activated Chk1 kinase then directly phosphorylates the Cdc25 phosphatase84. The phosphorylated Cdc25 binds Rad24/25 protein, and this complex is transported out of the nucleus to render Cdc25 inactive85. The activated Chk1 also regulates the Mik1 kinase to inhibit Cdc286. DNA damage thus initiates a Chk1-mediated protein phosphorylation cascade ending in the inactivation of Cdc25 phosphorylase and activation of Mik1 kinase to increase inhibitory phosphorylation of Tyr15 on Cdc2. The DNA replication checkpoint is activated by treatment with hydroxyurea, which inhibits DNA replication, and this checkpoint also controls the G2 to M transition through inhibitory phosphorylation of Cdc276. Parts of this DNA replication checkpoint are shared with the DNA damage checkpoint as Rad1, Rad3, Rad9, Rad17, Rad26 and Hus1 are required for both checkpoints in fission yeast87. The same 9-1-1 and Rad3-Rad26 checkpoint protein complexes may associate with the DNA replication complex 79. However, the DNA replication checkpoint acts primarily through phosphorylation of Cds1 kinase, which is mediated by another protein Mrc188,89. There is a minor contribution from the Chk1 kinase, and either kinase is sufficient by itself to give cell cycle arrest when DNA synthesis is inhibited90. Activated Cds1 kinase inactivates Cdc25 through the same mechanism as Chk1 and may also activate the Wee1 and Mik1 kinases, which phosphorylate Tyr15 of Cdc267,90. Cell cycle G2/M controls, which were often initially defined in yeast, are highly conserved, and most of Table. Human homologues of fission yeast cell cycle control genes Fission yeast Human Putative activity Mitotic regulators: Cdc2 CDK1 Cyclin B-dependent kinase Cdc13 Cyclin B B-type cyclin Wee1 WEE1 Tyrosine kinase Mik1 — Tyrosine kinase Cdc25 CDC25A/B/C Tyrosine phosphatase DNA damage and replication checkpoints: Rad1 hRAD1 Nuclease Rad3 ATM/ATR Protein kinase Rad9 hRAD9 3’-5’ exonuclease Rad17 hRAD17 Unknown Rad24/25 14-3-3 Binds to phosphorylated ser Hus1 hHUS1 A PCNA-related protein Chk1 CHK1 Serine/Threonine Kinase Cds1 CHK2 Serine/Threonine Kinase Crb2 BRCA1 Unknown Mrc1 CLSPN Unknown Cellular proteins involved in Vpr-induced G2 arrest: PP2A PP2A Protein phosphatase 2A Paa1 A A regulatory subunit Pab1 B B regulatory subunit Ppa2 C C catalytic subunit Ppa1 C C catalytic subunit Wos2 P23 Inhibitor of Wee1 —, not found 275 the genes required for the G2/M checkpoints have human homologues (Table). In general, these homologues have similar, although not always identical, roles in the control of the human cell cycle. There is a tendency for multiple, partially redundant checkpoints in human cells compared to simpler checkpoints in yeast probably reflecting the more complex requirements for cell cycle control in multicellular eukaryotes. For example, the single rad3 gene in fission yeast is required for both the DNA damage and replication checkpoints and activation of the chk1 and cds1 checkpoint kinases68,79,80. In human cells, there are two homologues of rad3, ATM and ATR. The primary role of ATM is in the DNA damage checkpoint and activation of CHK2, the human homologue of cds1, whereas the primary role of ATR is in the DNA replication checkpoint and activation of CHK191,92. Similarly, there is only one Cdc25 tyrosine phosphatase that dephosphorylates Cdc2 in fission yeast. In human cells, there are three CDC25 homologues, CDC25A, CDC25B and CDC25C, and each of them can be phosphorylated by CHK193. All three of these phosphatases have been shown to be involved in the control of the G2/M transition, even though their specific roles in this process have not yet been well characterized94-96. The p53 gene is an example of an additional level of cell cycle control in human cells. The p53 transcription factor, which has no homologues in yeast, has multiple roles including regulation of apoptosis and the cell cycle with an essential role in the G1 DNA damage checkpoint 97. It also has important roles in the G2 damage checkpoint. It inhibits Cdc2 through activation of Gadd45, p21, and 14-3-3? . In addition, it is involved in regulatory feedback loops with ATM/ATR and CHK198. The conservation of checkpoints even extends to the regulatory mechanisms as illustrated by the negative regulation of Cdc25 by relocation to the cytoplasm from the nucleus in both fission yeast and human cells. This relocation in both organisms is dependent on 14-3-3 proteins85,99. The HIV-1 Vpr protein induces cell cycle G2 arrest through inhibitory phosphorylation of Cdc2 both in fission yeast and human cells, suggesting that Vpr affects a conserved cellular process. Specifically Vpr induces hyperphosphorylation of fission yeast Cdc2 or human CDK1, the human homologue of Cdc218,56,100. It exerts its inhibitory effect through T14A and Y15F of CDK1 and Y15F of Cdc2, as expression of nonphosphorylatable Cdc2 mutants, T14A Y15F of CDK1 and Y15F of Cdc2, prevents Vpr-induced G2 arrest18,101. Furthermore, Vpr inhibits Cdc25 phosphatase102,103 and activates Wee1 kinase102,104 to promote phosphorylation of Cdc2/Cdk1 during induction of G2 arrest. Consistent with the roles of Wee1 and Cdc25 in Vpr-induced G2 arrest, proteins that are involved in regulation of Cdc25 or Wee1 have also been identified to either augment or alleviate Vpr-induced G2 arrest. Fission yeast Wos2, which is a human p23 homologue and aWee1 inhibitor105, has been shown to be a multicopy Vpr suppressor102. A Cdc25 inhibitor rad2585, which is the human 14-3-3 homologue enhances Vpr-induced G2 arrest when overproduced in fission yeast102. Recent studies further showed that Vpr binds to CDC25C and 14-3-3 in human cells106,107. Given that the DNA checkpoints and Vpr both induce G2 arrest through inhibitory phosphorylation of Cdc2 which is regulated by Wee1 and Cdc25, Vpr might induce G2 arrest through a checkpoint pathway. This possibility has been evaluated in fission yeast by expressing vpr in mutant fission yeast strains defective in early and late steps of the checkpoint pathways. None of the early checkpoint-specific mutants (rad1, rad3, rad9 and rad17) showed a significant effect on the induction of G2 arrest by Vpr 101,102,108. Furthermore, mutations in both chk1 and cds1, which are thought to be the last steps specific for the checkpoint67,84,90, also do not block Vpr-induced G2 arrest102,108. Therefore, Vpr does not appear to use the DNA-damage or DNA-replication checkpoint pathways to induce G2 arrest in fission yeast. Early data in human cells tended to support the conclusion that Vpr does not induce G2 arrest through the DNA damage checkpoint pathways. Vpr still induced G2 arrest in cells from patients with ataxia telangiectasia (AT)103. These AT cells are mutant for the ATM gene, which is a human homologue of fission yeast Rad3, and they do not arrest in G2 in response to DNA damage109-111. However, recent reports show that Vpr activates ATR and a second human homologue of fission yeast Rad3, and other steps in this checkpoint pathway such as Rad17, Hus1, BRCA1 and Y-H2AX112,113. These studies suggest ZHAO et al: HIV-1 VPR 276 INDIAN J MED RES, APRIL 2005 that Vpr induces G2 arrest through either a cellular response to DNA replication stress or to a signal that “mimics” DNA damage. Expression of vpr does not increase gene mutation frequency114 and or changes radiosensitivity of the checkpoint defective mutant102, which argues against the possibility that Vpr actually causes DNA damage. It is thus reasonable to think that other signals other than actual DNA damage triggers DNA damage-like cellular responses. These cellular responses could include the nuclear herniation caused by Vpr115 or cellular stress responses to vpr gene expression27-29. Since ATR and CHK1 are primarily responsive to changes in DNA replication, an alternative possibility is that Vpr may interfere with DNA replication. This possibility is certainly supported by a number of reports showing that Vpr induces genomic instability, formation of micronuclei and aneuploidy116,117. All of these changes in DNA structures could be perceived as replication stresses, which would trigger cell cycle arrest. Considering that G2/M DNA checkpoints are highly conserved between mammalian and fission yeast cells (Table), it is unclear at the moment why human ATR and CHK1 are activated by Vpr but rad3 (the fission yeast homologue of ATR/ATM) or chk1/ cds1 (CHK1/CHK2) double deletion in fission yeast does not block Vpr-induced G2 arrest 101,102. One factor possibly contributing to the observed activation of ATR in mammalian cells is that retroviral integration appears to activate ATR118, and the experiments showing activation of ATR by Vpr were done with lentiviral vectors which might therefore activate ATR to some extent independently of Vpr. In addition, it was noticed that activation of ATR and CHK1 only accounts for only part of the G2 arrest induced by Vpr112. Other as yet unidentified molecular mechanism(s) may explain at least half of the G2 cell population induced by Vpr. Interestingly, Roshal et al119 showed that treatment of Vpr-producing mammalian cells with caffeine completely blocks Vpr-induced G2 arrest. Caffeine is part of the methylxanthine family, and similar to the caffeine effect, another methylxanthine pentoxifylline (PTX) also inhibits Vpr-induced G2 arrest in mammalian cells34. Similarly, both PTX and caffeine suppress Vpr-induced G2 arrest in fission yeast117,120. Since PTX or caffeine inhibits Vpr-induced G2 arrest in fission yeast where the classic DNA checkpoints apparently play no role, these observations suggest molecular mechanism other than the classic DNA checkpoints may be involved in activation of ATR and regulation of Cdc25 and Wee1. The additional molecular mechanism might involve protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A). Although this protein phosphatase has no known role in the DNA checkpoints, it has an important role in Vpr-induced G2 arrest. Okadaic acid is a specific inhibitor of PP2A, and okadaic acid was shown to inhibit Vpr- induced G2 arrest both in human100 and fission yeast cells56. Further evidence for an important role of PP2A comes from PP2A mutant strains. PP2A is composed of three subunits, one catalytic (C) and two regulatory (A and B) subunits. When vpr was expressed in a strain with a deletion for a catalytic subunit (ppa2) or a regulatory subunit ( pab1) of PP2A, Vpr-induced G2 arrest was reduced 108,121. Other evidence supporting involvement of PP2A in Vpr-induced G2 arrest comes from other viral proteins with effects on cell cycle G2/M controls. PP2A appears to be a common viral target since other viruses such as simian virus 40 (SV40), polyoma virus, human T lymphotrophic retrovirus and adenovirus affect the enzymatic activity of at least a subset of PP2A proteins122. Even though these viruses are not otherwise related, they all seem to have adapted a similar strategy to affect cellular processes by direct interaction with PP2A. Similar to the Vpr effects, both adenoviral E4orf4123-125 and HTLV Tax protein induce cell cycle G2 arrest 118. These two viral proteins both bind to PP2A and affect its enzymatic activity123,126. Interestingly, similar to Vpr, Tax- induced G2 arrest is reversible by caffeine 118. Further examinations indicated that Tax binds to CHK2 in Jurkat T-cells 118 but it complexes with CHK1 in other T-cells127. Taken together, it is possible that a concerted cellular mechanism interlinks PP2A and ATR/CHK1 in the cellular response to vpr gene expression during the induction of G2 arrest. Nuclear transport of viral preintegration complex Ability to replicate in non-dividing cells (terminally differentiated macrophages and incompletely 277 activated CD4+ T lymphocytes) is the characteristic feature of HIV-1 which determines to a large extent its high replicative capacity and pathogenesis. To replicate in non-dividing cells, HIV-1 needs to transport its genomic DNA [in the context of the viral pre-integration complex (PIC)] from the cytoplasm into the nucleus of a target cell. Vpr is believed to be among the main regulators of HIV-1 nuclear import17,128. Proteins engaging in nuclear transport typically contain a classical nuclear localization sequence (cNLS)129,130, which is a short amino acid region rich in basic amino acids (lysines and arginines) and binds to the adaptor protein importin ? . The complex of cNLS-importin ? then binds to the receptor importin ? through the importin ? -binding region on importin ? . Importin ? interacts with components of the nuclear pore complex (NPC) as an essential part of the nuclear translocation process. The NPC is a large structure composed of 50 to 100 proteins called nucleoporins, which contains a central 10 nm aqueous channel through which proteins are actively transported. Directionality of this translocation process is ensured by Ran. A high concentration of RanGTP inside the nucleus stimulates binding of RanGTP to cNLS-importin ? -importin ? complex and disassembles it to release the protein carrying the cNLS into the nucleoplasm. Importin ? and importin ? -RanGTP are then exported out of the nucleus to be reused in another round of nuclear transport. This model for cNLS translocation is partially based on work done in budding yeast, and the high degree of conservation is demonstrated by functional complementation of many budding yeast mutants in nuclear transport proteins by human homologues131. Most studies have reported that Vpr expressed without other viral proteins localizes predominantly to the nuclear envelope in human, fission yeast and budding yeast20,132,133. Two hypotheses (not necessarily mutually exclusive) for the mode of action of Vpr in HIV-1 nuclear import have been proposed: (i) that Vpr targets the HIV-1 PIC to the nucleus via a distinct, importin-independent pathway134,135; or (ii) that Vpr modifies cellular importin-dependent import machinery136,137. The first model was based on the observation that in the in vitro nuclear import assay Vpr can enter nuclei in the absence of soluble import factors135. Consistent with this concept, Vpr was shown to induce dynamic disruptions in the nuclear envelope115 which may serve as entry points for isolated Vpr and for the PICs. However, based on our results and reports from several other laboratories, we favour a hypothesis that Vpr uses a modification of the importin ? pathway to enter the nucleus138,139. Vpr was shown to bind to importin ? both from human and budding yeast, but the binding site is different from the binding site for cNLS133,136,137. Vpr also binds to nucleoporins, thus performing activity normally attributed to importin ? 133,140,141, suggesting that Vpr might mediate binding of the PIC to the nuclear pore. However, another study showed that importin ? was necessary for nuclear localization of Vpr and that importin ? , importin ? , cNLS and Vpr form a ternary complex136. Thus, Vpr appears to bind to a previously unknown site on importin ? 142, and this complex in turn binds to importin ? which mediates transport through the nuclear pore. The effect of Ran-GTP binding to importin ? on the ternary complex has not been reported and it is not understood why Vpr is frequently observed to localize at the nuclear envelope, although this may be related to described above binding of Vpr to nucleoporins. One study found Vpr to be at the inside of the nuclear envelope suggesting that Vpr is transported through the pore but then stops at the inside of the nuclear pore rather than being released into the nucleoplasm133. In the nuclear transport of the viral PIC, Vpr appears to cooperate with cNLSs present on other HIV-1 proteins, in particular matrix protein (MA). There has been disagreement over the role and identity of cNLS in the nuclear transport of PIC, and at least one reason for this disagreement is the presence of two cNLS in MA143. Deletion of either MA cNLS does not prevent nuclear translocation of PIC in macrophage cells144,145, but when both are deleted, nuclear transport of the PIC no longer occurs even when Vpr is present143. Thus, Vpr does not function as an independent nuclear transport factor. However, when one or both MA cNLS are present in the PIC, nuclear transport occurs efficiently only in the presence of Vpr133,136,137,146, suggesting Vpr is ZHAO et al: HIV-1 VPR 278 INDIAN J MED RES, APRIL 2005 an important player in the nuclear transport of PIC. Vpr increases the binding of the MA cNLSs to importin ? 137, and this increased affinity may at least in part account for Vpr’s activity in HIV-1 nuclear transport. In general, the major role of Vpr may be to stimulate the nuclear import of unusually large complexes carrying relatively weak NLSs, as the effect of Vpr on nuclear import of the model substrate, serum albumin coupled to cNLS, decreased with an increase in the number of coupled cNLS copies 136. One interesting implication of a conserved Vpr- binding site present both on human and budding yeast importin ? is that this binding site plays some important cellular function in nuclear transport and that a cellular protein may bind to this site. Agostini et al142 have identified this cellular protein as Hsp70, a highly conserved heat shock protein, which competes with Vpr for binding to importin ? . Hsp70 can in fact replace Vpr in the nuclear transport of PIC and similar to Vpr also strengthens the binding of MA cNLS to importin ? 142. One cellular role of this Vpr/Hsp70 binding site thus appears to be in strengthening the interaction of a weak cNLS with importin ? . Therefore, one possible role for Hsp70 may be to stimulate efficient translocation of large complexes through the nuclear pore, similar to the role of Vpr in the nuclear import of the HIV-1 PIC. Induction of apoptosis A major pathway for the induction of apoptosis by Vpr is through the mitochondria. This intrinsic pathway for apoptosis is initiated by mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization (MOMP)147. The release of proteins from the space between the inner and outer mitochondrial membranes ultimately leads to apoptosis. Cytochrome c is particularly important in this process since it combines in the cytoplasm with Apaf-1 to activate procaspase 9, the initiating caspase for the intrinsic pathway. Activated caspase 9 in turn activates the downstream caspases such as caspase 3 which carry out many of the apoptotic events147. Vpr is thought to lead to MOMP by virtue of binding to ANT (adenine nucleotide transporter) protein of the inner mitochondrial membrane148-150. After crossing the outer mitochondrial membrane, possibly through VDA (the Voltage Dependent Anion Channel), binding of Vpr to ANT leads to depolarization of the inner mitochrondrial membrane, swelling of the inner mitochondria and ultimately MOMP with release of the apoptosis factors. Among the considerable evidence supporting this model are depolarization of the inner mitochondrial membrane by Vpr in intact cells, depolarization of isolated mitoZHAO et al: HIV-1 VPRchondria by purified Vpr, strong binding between Vpr and ANT shown by several methods, reduced cell killing when ANT levels are decreased148-150 and activation of caspase 9 by Vpr151,152. While there is considerable evidence supporting the idea that Vpr induces apoptosis through MOMP, there are other reports that do not readily fit into this model and which raise the possibility that Vpr kills cells through other redundant pathways. The localization of Vpr raises one question about the MOMP model since Vpr has been consistently reported to be in the nucleus or at the nuclear membrane20,53,132,133,153,154 rather than in the mitochondria150. It may be that only a small fraction of Vpr molecules localizes to the mitochondria, which is sufficient to induce apoptosis and methods used to visualize Vpr may have overlooked this small amount. However, the predominant nuclear localization of Vpr and the association of nuclear localization with cell killing in Vpr mutants20,154 suggest that Vpr located in the nucleus may sometimes play a role in initiating cell killing. Other observations seemingly inconsistent with the MOMP model concern the activation of caspases by Vpr. While activation of caspase-9 with no activation of caspase-8 supports the role of MOMP in the induction of apoptosis by Vpr151, there have been other conflicting reports that Vpr does activate capase-864,155. Caspase-8 activation is thought to be a hallmark of the extrinsic pathway for apoptosis induction by death receptors such as FAS and TNF 156. It has also been reported that a fragment of Vpr is able to induce cell death without caspase activation157, and even that Vpr induces a necrotic type of cell death in neurons158. The observation that Vpr is able to kill fission yeast cells56, where caspases play at most a minor role in cell death159, also suggests that there may be a caspase- and mitochondria- independent pathway for cell killing by Vpr. 279 A prospective role of HIV-1 in future antiviral therapy Evidence described in this review suggests that Vpr plays a pivotal role in viral pathogenesis and disease progression. Specifically Vpr activities are linked to promotion of viral infection in non-dividing macrophages and monocytes, activation of viral transcription and replication, and depletion of CD4 T-lymphocytes. Therefore, strategies that can be used to inhibit these adverse Vpr effects could potentially alleviate the impact of the virus and benefit infected patients. It is desirable then to identify Vpr-specific inhibitors for the design of future anti-Vpr regimens. A number of hexameric peptides with a di-tryptophan motif were found by genetic selection in budding yeast to suppress G2 arrest and apoptosis in T-cells160. So far a fission yeast small heat shock protein 16 (Hsp16) is the only protein known to specifically block all Vpr activities27. However, its utility in suppressing Vpr- mediated viral infection in macrophages/monocytes or its potential beneficial effect for HIV-infected patients has yet to be determined. Vpr is a virion-associated protein that is packaged in the viral particle in quantities similar to those of the major structural proteins132. This unique property of Vpr could potentially be used to target antiviral proteins to the virus. A proposed strategy is to create a chimeric protein that fuses Vpr with a functional protein capable of interfering with the progeny virion production161,162. Various Vpr fusion proteins have thus far been created. In all case, Vpr fusion proteins are efficiently incorporated into the viral particles, confirming feasibility of Vpr-mediated virion incorporation. Since HIV-1 protease is required for the processing of HIV-1 viral precursor proteins in order to generate infectious viral particles, (Gag and Gag-Pol), one approach is to inhibit viral maturation by sequestering protease162, i.e., to use a Vpr fusion protein containing the HIV-1 protease cleavage sites. A chimeric Vpr containing the cleavage sequences from the junction of p24 and p2 completely abolished viral infectivity162. A similar approach was used in targeting dimerization of the protease163. A four amino acid peptide from the C-terminal end of the protease, which is the dimmer interface region, was fused to Vpr. Incorporation of this chimeric protein results in reduced viral infectivity163. The HIV-1 integrase was targeted by fusing Vpr with a single-chain antibody (scAb) or a single-chain variable antibody fragments (SFvs) against the integrase164,165. Suppression of progeny virion production was observed with both Vpr fusions164,165. These results indicate that the inactivation of progeny virions by the use of chimeric Vpr fusion proteins represents a promising strategy in developing future antiviral therapies. The unique properties of Vpr could also be used for other therapeutic purposes. The ability of Vpr to arrest the cell cycle in G2 provides an opportunity to explore its potential as a cell cycle ”G2 blocker” to inhibit growth of the cancerous cells. Furthermore, since mammalian cells residing in the G2 phase of the cell cycle are most sensitive to radiation, Vpr- induced G2 arrest could conceivably sensitize tumour cells to radiation. The combination of gene and radiotherapies based on Vpr and the radiosensitivity of G2 cells may lead to the development of new methods to treat cancer. Several earlier studies have shown that expression of vpr can effectively suppress tumour growth in vitro and in vivo166-169. Vpr also induces apoptosis in various tumour cells regardless of p53 status166,168. Interestingly, one report shows that Vpr not only reduces tumor growth in a mouse but also triggers sufficient immune responses that the mouse is protected against a second oncogenic challenge170. Because Vpr is capable of suppressing various host inflammatory responses, it also could potentially be used as a therapeutic tool for treating diseases with hyperinflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, sepsis and Crohn’s disease35. This strategy may have advantages over other conventional anti- inflammatory drugs since Vpr specifically inhibits pro- inflammatory cytokines such as TNF? and IL-12. Moreover, it limits chemokine production and suppresses NF? B-mediated transcription36,37. In addition, Vpr was shown to be more effective in reducing inflammatory cytokines than some of the commonly prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs35 indicating that the use of Vpr as an anti-inflammatory agent merits further investigation. ZHAO et al: HIV-1 VPR 280 INDIAN J MED RES, APRIL 2005 Acknowledgment Authors acknowledge the financial support received from the National Institutes of Health, USA. References 1. Rodman TC, Sullivan JJ, Bai X, Winston R. The human uniqueness of HIV: innate immunity and the viral Tat protein. Hum Immunol 1999; 60 : 631-9. 2. Sheehy AM, Gaddis NC, Choi JD, Malim MH. Isolation of a human gene that inhibits HIV-1 infection and is suppressed by the viral Vif protein. Nature 2002; 418 : 646-50. 3. Leulier F, Marchal C, Miletich I, Limbourg-Bouchon B, Benarous R, Lemaitre B. 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