CASE REPORT JIACM 2005; 6(4): 327-30 * Senior Resident, ** Professor, Department of Medicine, *** Additional Professor, Department of Pathology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi - 110 029. Disseminated Histoplasmosis – Fulminant Presentation in an AIDS Patient Amit Kumar Dutta*, Rita Sood**, AK Karak*** Abstract We present here the report of a patient who initially presented as prolonged fever, bicytopenia and granuloma in the bone marro and was later found to be HIV positive. Introduction Extra-pulmonary histoplasmosis usually presents with unexplained fever and weight loss, but in some, especially with high antigenic load, it may present as a syndrome resembling sepsis1. Here we report one such case where AIDS was not diagnosed initially. Case report A 43-year-old male patient presented with moderate grade intermittent fever with evening rise for past six weeks. He was anorexic and had lost significant weight. He was a chronic smoker and denied history of blood transfusion or high risk behavior for HIV infection. On examination, he was pale and febrile (101º F). The rest of the general physical examination was normal. There was mild, firm, non-tender splenomegaly. The examination of cardiovascular, respiratory, and neurological system was unremarkable. Laboratory evaluation showed haemoglobin of 7.4 g/dL; platelets - 2,63,000/mm3; TLC - 3,900/mm3; DLC - N72L25E2; ESR- 55 mm in the first hour by Westergren’s method. Biochemical and microbiological evaluation was normal. Chest X-ray was unremarkable. Ultrasonography of the abdomen showed mild splenomegaly with no focal lesions. Bone marrow aspirate was normocellular and showed no parasites. Bone marrow biopsy showed non-necrotising epithelioid cell granuloma with Langhans giant cells (Figure 1). No acid-fast bacilli were seen. Serum angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) level was within normal limits. Considering tuberculosis as the commonest cause of fever of unknown origin (FUO) in India2 and presence of granuloma in bone marrow, this patient was started on anti-tuberculous treatment (ATT). Few days later, patient developed a plaque on neck, the biopsy of which showed features suggestive of photosensitive lichenoid eruption. He showed initial subjective improvement of symptoms on ATT. However, our patient followed-up four weeks later with the complaint of persistence of fever. A repeat examination showed bilateral axillary and cervical lymphadenopathy. Right cervical lymph node was biopsied. X-ray chest at this time revealed bilateral miliary shadows and patient was advised re-admission which he declined. Liver function tests performed at this stage were normal. He was continued on ATT. Contrast enhanced computed tomography (CECT) of chest and abdomen was performed. It showed bilateral miliary lung lesions, some of which had coalesced to form larger opacities. Left para- aortic lymph nodes were enlarged. Over the next one week, the patient’s condition worsened and he was hospitalised with acute lower gastrointestinal bleed. On examination, he was drowsy, tachypnoeic, hypotensive, and had marked pallor. Lymph node biopsy report was received which showed features suggestive of histoplasmosis with extremely high organism load (Figures 2A and 2B). An ELISA test for HIV was performed. Laboratory evaluation at this stage showed haemoglobin - 6.7 g/dl; platelets - 29,000/mm3; TLC - 12,100/mm3; DLC - N68L28E1; total bilirubin/direct was 4.4/2.6 mg/dl; total protein - 5.3 g/dl; Albumin - 1.6g/dl; SGOT/SGPT/SAP - 1,213/119/479 IU/l respectively; prothrombin time was prolonged(13/25 seconds). X-ray chest showed marked 328 Journal, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine circle6 Vol. 6, No. 4 circle6 October-December, 2005 increase in infiltrates in both the lung fields. Patient was started on IV amphotericin B. Despite blood transfusion and supportive treatment, his condition deteriorated and he succumbed to his illness within 12 hours of this admission. The previous skin and bone marrow biopsies were reviewed and they did not show presence of fungus. The report of ELISA for HIV was found to be positive. A final diagnosis of AIDS with disseminated histoplasmosis was made. Discussion Infection with Histoplasma is asymptomatic in 95% of cases. In immunocompetent patients it usually manifests as self-limited respiratory infection comprising of fever, malaise, cough, and chest pain. Chest radiograph may show focal infiltrates and hilar or mediastinal adenopathy. In immunocompromised patients, chest radiograph may show miliary infiltrates which may resemble Mycobacterial or Pneumocystis carinii infection. Sometimes the disseminated infection in such patients can present with prolonged fever, weight loss, mucocutaneous lesions, hepatosplenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, pneumonia, adrenal insufficiency, occasional intestinal ulcerative lesion and in some with sepsis like illness. Almost all cases of histoplasmosis in patients with AIDS have been of disseminated type1. Histoplasmosis as a cause of fever of unknown origin is uncommon in India where tuberculosis, especially extra- pulmonary tuberculosis, is the leading cause in most series2. Extra-pulmonary tuberculosis accounted for 45% of cases in a series of 60 FUO patients from this institute3. In developing countries, tuberculosis is the commonest cause of granuloma formation and with suggestive clinical presentation, even in the absence of acid fast bacilli, Fig. 1: Section from the bone marrow trephine revealing the presence of non-necrotising epithelioid cell granuloma without any organis and E, x 40). Journal, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine circle6 Vol. 6, No. 4 circle6 October-December, 2005 329 patients are often started on ATT. In this patient, the initial presentation with low grade fever and weight loss, absence of history of high risk behaviour for acquiring HIV infection and blood transfusion, and finding of granuloma in bone marrow biopsy led to a presumptive diagnosis of tuberculosis. The appearance of miliary shadows on chest radiograph might have only strengthened this diagnosis, but for the fact that the patient worsened clinically while on ATT. The appearance of lymph node enlargement and its biopsy led us to the diagnosis of disseminated histoplasmosis. However, by this time the patient deteriorated rather acutely and succumbed to his illness. There are important lessons to be learnt from this case. Diagnostic efforts should not cease with detection of granuloma which could be due to different aetiologies (though in India, tuberculosis is the commonest cause), and further diagnostic steps should be taken to confirm the cause of granuloma. Granulomas in bone marrow can be seen in upto 8% of patients with disseminated histoplasmosis in AIDS1. In one report from Guatemala (in Central America), of the 8 patients who had disseminated histoplasmosis with AIDS, diagnosed over a 10 year period, all were initially admitted with diagnosis of tuberculosis with AIDS4. Extra-pulmonary tuberculosis masking disseminated histoplasmosis has been reported and thus even if tuberculosis is confirmed, possibility of other concurrent infection should be kept in mind5. Fungal infections as a cause of granuloma are usually considered in differential diagnosis of tuberculosis in patients who are immunocompromised. Since in this patient HIV was not suspected on clinical grounds, this differential diagnosis was not entertained. We also conclude that a serology for HIV must be performed in all patients with unexplained fever Fig. 2A: Section from the lymph node with numberous intra-cellular histoplasma (arrows) inside macrophages (H and E, x 40). Fig. 2B: Silver-methenamine stain highlighting the morphology (arrow) of the fungus (x 40). irrespective of the presence or absence of high risk behaviour. This will allow early diagnosis of opportunistic infections (by increasing the index of suspicion), appropriate therapeutic intervention and improve outcome. Also, in patients with AIDS, multiple opportunistic infections should be kept in mind even if clinical features point to a single aetiology. Studies are needed to determine the risk factors, natural history and develop more rapid and accurate tests for diagnosing disseminated histoplasmosis. References 1. 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