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Save the society from an AIDS epidemic: Indian Public libraries in the current perspective
Posted by: librarian
Updated: 2005-11-11 23:55:41
Category: ORC Home > E-LIBRARY > Library Resources
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Your Name: B.Vilasini
URL:  (Text Version)
A gist of the contents at the URL: Save the society from an AIDS epidemic: Indian Public libraries in the current

Maitrayee Ghosh, August 22, 2005.


Today Indian society is at high risks. AIDS-the most devastating disease humankind has ever faced become a conflagration on the Indian sub continent and nearly six million people in the country are estimated to be HIV-positive. There is a felt need for providing health information services through public libraries to the illiterate rural population in India, who are increasingly making themselves vulnerable to HIV /AIDS. Today’s challenge is to reinvent the public libraries to respond to community needs and explores the avenues created by ICT enabled networking processes in providing HIV/AIDS information to
unprivileged population in India. It concludes with a number of recommendations that are intended to
address the core problems and thereby improve the overall situation.
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