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An Epidemiological Study of HIV Seroconcordant vs Serodiscordant Couples (A Female Based Study)
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Updated: 2005-11-22 02:47:31
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Your Name: B.Vilasini
URL:  (Text Version)
A gist of the contents at the URL: An Epidemiological Study of HIV Seroconcordant vs Serodiscordant Couples (A Female Based Study).

Sharma Archana, Marfatia Y S.
INDIAN J SEX TRANSM DIS 2005; VOL. 26 NO. 1, 11.


The study was carried out to assess the
clinico-epidemiological factors that are likely to influence HIV transmission among married couples. 105 HIV positive females attending Skin-VD Department of Medical College, Baroda were enrolled and their spouses were tested for HIV.
Various factors like mode of transmission,circumcision, sexually tranmsitted infections were studied. Out of 105 couples, 76 were sero-concordant and 29 were sero-discordant. Use of condom was done in 20.7 per cent couples of sero-concordant group and in only 6.6 per cent couples of sero-discordant group. Spousal transmission was more in cases aquiring HIV via sexual route than those acquiring by blood transmission. STD's were significantly high in the
sero-concordant group (P=0.008 ; CI 95 per cent)as compared to the sero-discordant group.Circumcision was significantly high in the sero-concordant group (P<0.001 ; CI = 95 per cent)as compared to sero-discordant group. So these factors play an important role in influencing HIV
transmission among married couples. The
consistent use of condoms coupled with early diagnosis and treatment of STD's can significantly reduce risk of HIV transmission.

Key Words

Sero-concordance, Sero-discordance
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