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HIV & psychiatric disorders
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Updated: 2005-11-23 23:55:19
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Your Name: B.Vilasini
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A gist of the contents at the URL: HIV & psychiatric disorders.

Prabha S.Chandra, Geetha Desai* & Sanjeev Ranjan.
Indian J Med Res 121, April 2005, pp 451-467.


HIV infection and psychiatric disorders have a complex relationship. Being HIV infected could result in psychiatric disorders as a psychological consequence of the infection or because of the
effect of the HIV virus on the brain. Disorders may be as varied as depression, post-traumatic stress disorders, AIDS phobias, grief and the whole gamut of cognitive disorders. In addition, several psychiatric conditions may predispose individuals to acquiring HIV infection as a consequence of their influence on behaviour. There is also strong evidence of the relationship of
substance use disorders and severe mental illnesses with HIV infection. HIV related psychiatric disorders also offer a challenge to clinicians in issues of differential diagnosis and management.
Majority of the work in India has focused on substance use and HIV, and to a lesser extent on the psychiatric effects of HIV infection. Given the magnitude of the problem in the country and the multiple physical and psychological stressors that persons with HIV face in India, more research
is needed.

Key Words

AIDS - depression - HIV - mental illness - substance use.
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