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Effect of Some Health Educational Techniques in Disseminating the Knowledge About HIV - AIDS Among Adolescent Students
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Updated: 2005-12-04 23:54:35
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A gist of the contents at the URL: Effect of Some Health Educational Techniques in Disseminating the Knowledge About HIV/AIDS Among Adolescent Students.

S.P. Singh, N. Garg, S.C. Mohapatra, R.N. Mishra.
Indian Journal of Community Medicine Vol. 30, No. 1, January-March, 2005.


Research question

What is the comparative effects of different health educational methods in educating adolescent college
students related to HIV/AIDS?


To compare the effectiveness of three health educational methods namely lecture,participatory teaching and written assignment method (pamphlet methods) in disseminating knowledge about HIV/AIDS.

Study design

Controlled-intervention study design.


Four degree colleges of Varanasi City.


First year graduate students. 221 in intervention and 192 in control groups.

Statistical analysis

student’s ‘t’ test.


Pre-intervention and post intervention mean knowledge scores in intervention and control groups were 25.88 and 26.52 respectively (statistically insignificant). Immediately after training the mean score in the intervention group increased significantly to 32.53 and after 3 months there was a marginal decline of 1.3 percent only. Overall increase in knowledge after 3 months was 24.03 and 7.7% in intervention and control groups respectively. In the three intervention groups increase in knowledge was 31.3, 23.6 and 20.3 percents respectively
for lecture, participatory teaching and written assignment (pamphlet) groups. However, sustainability of the increased knowledge was 86.8, 94.8 and 105.9 percents respectively.

Key Words

Intervention study, knowledge scoring, HIV/AIDS awareness.
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