Other details
The Second National AIDS Control Programme (NACP II), managed by Government of India (GoI) National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO), began in 1999 and has been extended to March 2007. NACP II has five components:
* interventions for high-risk communities
* prevention amongst the general population
* low cost care and support
* strengthening capacity, and
* inter-sectoral collaboration.
The goal of DFID support to NACP II is to reduce the spread of HIV infection and its impact on poverty in India. More details on the programme may be viewed at the website,External linkhttp://www.naco.nic.in
Inadequate research is available when determining implementation strategies for adolescent programming. Evidence relating to gender perceptions, self risk perception and vulnerability amongst young married and single men and women is required to adequately address the needs of this group that is a priority focus for NACP II.
The Objective of this assignment is to reduce HIV/AIDS among young people by adding to the evidence base relating to sexual behaviours among young people. Expected Tasks are:
* a) to undertake qualitative research relating to perceptions of masculinity, gender and HIV
* b) To develop tools and capacity building activities for adolescent programming
* c) to develop specific BCC materials for young people with messages relating to HIV and SRH, and
* d) to develop training materials for sensitising service providers to the special needs and vulnerability of young married girls.