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Grants and Fellowship announcements

YRG Care Fellowship in HIV Medicine
International Conference on Actions to Strengthen Linkages between Sexual and RH and HIV - AIDS, Mumbai
HIV Fellowship Programme: Clinical & Leadership Training
Visiting Fellowships: Centre for the Study of Law and Governance, Jawahar Lal Nehru University, New Delhi
HIV Fellowship Programme: Clinical & Leadership Training (9 Nov. 2006 – 8 Nov. 2007)
DFID: Innovative HIV Communications Strategies and Models for Young People
DFID: Strengthening State Level Interpersonal Communication Capacity (IPC) for HIV - AIDS
DFID: Interventions for Reducing HIV Vulnerability and Improving Reproductive Health of Young People
DFID: Social Marketing and Behaviour Change Communications to Promote Condom Use in Maharashtra
DFID:Social Marketing and Behaviour Change Communications to Promote Condom Use in Tamilnadu
DFID:Social Marketing and Behaviour Change Communications to Promote Condom Use in Andhra Pradesh
Grants and Fellowships