Other details
Applications are invited from interested scholars for a Visiting
Fellowships programme at the Centre, instituted with the support of
the Ford Foundation. Under this programme scholars can spend a period of six months to a year, pursuing research in the broad areas of the Centre's research foci, which are follows:
1. Globalisation and governance:
Institutions of global governance, multilateral institutions, international trade and environmental regimes, and their impact on national sovereignty;
2. Democracy and civil society:
The role of civil society in deepening democracy and in the process of governance accountability and legitimacy of governing institutions; mapping civil society in India; citizenship and human rights;
3. Legal framework for development:
Legal institutions as social and
cultural institutions; the political economy of law making; economic
efficiency and social principles underlying legal reasoning; the
impact of the legal framework and legal processes on the rights, entitlements
and social opportunities of citizens; the rule of law, access to justice; the
relationship between the public and private sector (including privatization,
regulatory regimes and deregulation), relationship between legal and economic
4. State institutions and governance:
Multi-layered governance,
including local governance; administrative reform and issues public
management; traditional and modern institutions for self-governance,
conflict-resolution and the management of natural resources.
The Centre provides Visiting Fellows with a maintenance allowance of
Rs.20,000 per month, office facilities, and a possible grant for empirical research. Interested scholars may apply as the earliest.
Please send your applications with a full curriculum vitae and copies of relevant publications to:
The Chairperson,
Centre for the Study of Law and Governance,
Jawaharlal Nehru University,
New Delhi � 110 067.
Email: dir_cslg@...